ICC New Scholars Conference – Registration

I am pleased to announce that registration is now open for the ICC New Scholars conference. You can register at https://cedarvilleuniversity.regfox.com/25-international-conference-on-creationism-new-scholars-conference; registration is $60. The conference is being held at Flagstaff Bible church (520 N Switzer Canyon Dr, Flagstaff, AZ 86001) on April 4-6, 2025. We will begin on the evening of Friday, April 4th, with a light supper presented by the Creation Research Society, followed by an opening address and conference welcome. Saturday April 5th will be our main day of presentations. On Sunday April 6th, Canyon Ministries is planning a time of worship and tour of the Grand Canyon.
There is still time to submit a proposal for the conference as well. Submissions can be made at https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/icc_new_scholars/ . Submissions will be accepted through February 28th. The author’s guide is attached below.
Aaron Hutchison, on behalf of the Board of the ICC
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ICC New Scholars Conference – Call for Papers

The Board of the International Conference on Creationism would like to invite submissions for the New Scholars Conference, sponsored by the ICC and Canyon Ministries, in association with Cedarville University. The conference will be held on April 4-5 at Flagstaff Bible church in Flagstaff Az. The deadline to submit is February 28, 2025.
The conference will involve oral abstract presentations and posters. Both “new” and “seasoned” scholars are invited to participate, but we are especially interested in providing an opportunity for students and new scholars to present their work. Please share this announcement with any students you think might be interested in participating. A limited number of student scholarships will be awarded to students presenting at the conference. Full information on submission requirements and guidelines can be found in the 2025 New Scholars Call for Submissions.  Submissions can be made at https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/icc_new_scholars/ .
More information on conference registration and scholarship applications will be coming in January.
Aaron Hutchison, on behalf of the Board of the ICC
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ICC New Scholars Conference

The Board of the International Conference on Creationism is pleased to announce the New Scholars Conference, to be held in Flagstaff Arizona, April 4-6, 2025. This conference is focused on encouraging new researchers in the Creationist community to present their work. The conference will feature posters and 10 minute abstract presentations. Those interested in presenting can submit a 300-500 word proposal, summarizing their abstract or poster and its contribution to young-earth creationism. Proposals will be accepted starting on December 1st, 2024 and the deadline for submission is February 15th, 2025.  While proposals from all creationist scholars will be accepted, we encourage veteran researchers to consider mentoring a younger colleague or student in preparing a submission for this conference.
We are also pleased to announce the 10th International Conference on Creationism will be held July 13 – 16, 2027 at Cedarville University.
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Proceedings from the 9th International Conference on Creationism

I am glad to announce that the Proceedings from the 9th ICC are available.  You can find theme at the following link.



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ICC 2023 – Vendors and Sponsors

We appreciate the vendors and sponsors who invested their time and money to be part of this conference.  Here is a list who will be present at this year’s conference.

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ICC 2023 – Complete Schedule

Although we are a little late in completing the schedule for the conference, we now have a draft available.  This is subject to change, but is close to its final form.  You can access it here.

ICC 2023 Schedule


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FAQ as we approach the ICC

There are a number of question have come up as we approach the ICC, in particular with regard to registration, lodging, and dining.  The following page should answer a number of your questions.

ICC Registration FAQ

We are still finalizing the schedule and hope to have more details available by mid June.


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Update on Conference Information

We are excited about the upcoming 9th ICC.  A number of proposals for full-length papers (closed) have been submitted.  They are currently going through the review process.  However, we are still accepting proposals for posters and oral abstracts.

A rough schedule for the conference has been posted.  You can find it here.

If you plan on attending the 9th ICC, you can register at the following link.

For those interested in being an exhibitor or sponsor at the conference, you can fill out an application at the following link.

Feel free to explore our website.  We have reflections on past ICC papers and the full collection of previous ICC Proceedings.


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The Cause of Anomalous Potassium-Argon Ages

Andrew A. Snelling, asnelling@answersingenesis.org

Snelling, A.A. 1998. The Cause of Anomalous Potassium-Argon Ages for Recent Andesite Flows at Mt. Ngauruhoe, New Zealand, and the Implications for Potassium-Argon Dating. In R.E. Walsh (editor), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creationism, pp. 503-526. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Creation Science Fellowship.

I remember that I was on an itinerant creation ministry speaking trip around New Zealand back in the mid-1990s and staying in the Taupo area on the central North Island when I had a free day. I had seen from maps and reports that the historic lava flows on the sides on Mt Ngauruhoe could be clearly distinguished, and in my research, I also knew that recent lava flows sometimes gave falsely old K-Ar dates, similar to what Dr. Steve Austin had found at Mount St. Helens. So, in a borrowed vehicle I headed south on the highway, then east on a rough gravel road to near the Ngauruhoe volcano, parked and walked the rest of the way. After a day of trekking and sampling the easily identified historic lava flows, I started back in the car, only to experience a deflated tire. The available spare was one of those small spacer tires, so it was a slow and cautious drive all the way back to our accommodation.

Back home in Brisbane with the andesite samples I had to find a suitable laboratory that would date the samples using the potassium-argon (K-Ar) method without questioning who I was and asking what ages I was expecting. From my contact with colleague Dr. Steve Austin at ICR I chose the Geochron Laboratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts because they offered a commercial service and the staff being so distant from my outpost in the Antipodes would not know me. Fortunately, they accepted my samples and payment without question.

Months later the results came. As anticipated, most samples yielded grossly older ages up to 3.5 million years, in contrast to the true ages of 1949, 1954 and 1975. Now came the task of reporting these results and exploring the reasons for them. That involved a literature search. It was well documented as to how extraneous argon would be brought up in the volcanic gases and extruded in the lavas then was trapped in the lavas during their cooling. This is because congealing of the lavas does not allow the relatively heavy argon gas to totally escape. However, being a noble gas, which is chemically inert, the argon atoms are not bonded within the lattices of any of the andesite’s constituent minerals. Nevertheless, during standard potassium-argon dating procedures the argon gas is bled out of the crushed samples and analyzed as though it had been produced by radioactive decay of the potassium in the andesite’s minerals. Then based on that assumption the analytical results are plugged into the potassium-argon model age equation to yield the erroneously old ages.

The outcome was very satisfying. In documenting these problems with potassium-argon dating care had to be taken to be thorough so as cover any angles that opponents would exploit in defending this dating method. However, the fact that erroneously old K-Ar dates for historic lavas was already well known in the literature made that task easier. Of course, that implied that if the K-Ar method produced erroneous dates on historic lavas of known ages due to extraneous or inherited argon, then how could we trust the K-Ar dates obtained for ancient lavas whose true ages were not known. It also opened to me the huge literature on the geochemistry of the mantle sources of magmas that affects all the radioisotope dating of the lavas erupted from them.

This all started a long journey to explore and understand the problems with the radioisotope dating methods and how we explain the grossly old ages that systematically occur in the rock record in the apparent right superpositional order. It soon resulted in me being invited to participate in the very successful, landmark, ICR-led, Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth (RATE) research initiative. And that quest continues to this day, when we have even more reasons to doubt the validity of the vast ages purportedly yielded by the radioisotope dating methods.

The location of Mt Ngauruhoe in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand, showing the main structural features. The shaded area is the andesite arc, and the inset shows the major components of the boundary between the Australian and Pacific Plates in the New Zealand region (arrows indicate relative motions). Solid triangles are basalt-andesite volcanoes.

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How do we distinguish Flood rocks from rocks formed before and after the Flood?

Paul A. Garner, paul@biblicalcreationtrust.org

Whitmore, J.H., and P.A. Garner. 2008. Using suites of criteria to recognize pre-Flood, Flood, and post-Flood strata in the rock record with application to Wyoming (USA). In A.A. Snelling (editor), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Creationism, pp. 425-448. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Creation Science Fellowship; Dallas, Texas: Institute for Creation Research.

This paper had its origins in a conversation that took place in the dining hall of Cedarville University, Ohio, in June 2006. I was attending a meeting of what was then called the Baraminology Study Group (now the Creation Biology Society), when Dr John Whitmore, a geology professor at Cedarville, approached me about an idea he had.

Identifying Flood rocks and distinguishing them from pre-Flood and post-Flood rocks was (and still is!) a complex and thorny issue in creationism. Dr Whitmore wanted to write a paper about this issue, but he wanted to have a European perspective as well. He knew that I was familiar with the geology of Great Britain, that the Flood boundaries question was something I’d thought a lot about, and that my own ideas had changed over time. And so I agreed to be his co-author.

Many different views have been expressed about the Flood boundaries problem over the years. Our approach was to offer a model based on the application of multiple criteria; we proposed 28 in all. However, we recognized that some criteria were more diagnostic than others and so we ranked how important we thought each criterion was within a Flood model. We discussed each criterion and sought to justify our rankings. We also identified on a chart (below) how important we thought each criterion would have been at different times in the earth’s history (before, during and after the Flood).

For example, in rocks deposited during the Flood we would expect to see marine sediments of unparalleled extent, associated with the mass death and burial of whole populations of organisms. But we wouldn’t expect to find glacial deposits or desert deposits in Flood rocks; these are the kinds of rocks we’d expect to find after the Flood. In other words, different types of processes would have predominated at different times in earth’s history, and these processes would have left distinctive signatures in the rock record. By applying many such criteria (rather than one or a few) we hoped to be able to identify these different episodes of earth history in the rock record with a greater level of confidence.

We applied our model to the rock succession in Wyoming, a region of the US that Dr Whitmore knew well. In Wyoming, a thick series of mostly marine sedimentary rocks rests on an eroded basement of crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks. This entire sedimentary sequence was subsequently faulted, folded and eroded, and some relatively thin, flat-lying sediments occur within basins on top. Above these basinal deposits there are some glacial and volcanic deposits.

Applying our criteria to this section we concluded that the Flood/post-Flood boundary was most likely around the Cretaceous-Paleogene, after the thick marine layers had been deposited but before the basinal sediments were laid down. This was a significant conclusion for me personally, because in some earlier papers I had placed the Flood/post-Flood boundary much lower in the rock record. But my ideas had been changing and the publication of this paper formally documented my change of view (p. 436).

So far as I’m aware no one has yet applied our multiple criteria model to other regions of North America or to other parts of the world, so there’s much that an enterprising creationist geologist could do! There’s also scope for others to add to our list of criteria and to debate our rankings, as well as to work out what our model means for the interpretation of radiometric dates and fossil zonation. The Flood boundary problem continues to be discussed in the literature, with few signs of an emerging consensus. We still think our model could help to resolve some of the outstanding questions.

The 28 criteria used to define Flood boundaries in Whitmore and Garner (2008). The thickness of a line indicates the relative importance of a particular process during a time period. The number following each criterion is a rank of how important we feel each criterion is within a Flood model (1 being the highest).

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