I am pleased to announce that registration is now open for the ICC New Scholars conference. You can register at https:// cedarvilleuniversity.regfox. com/25-international- conference-on-creationism-new- scholars-conference; registration is $60. The conference is being held at Flagstaff Bible church (520 N Switzer Canyon Dr, Flagstaff, AZ 86001) on April 4-6, 2025. We will begin on the evening of Friday, April 4th, with a light supper presented by the Creation Research Society, followed by an opening address and conference welcome. Saturday April 5th will be our main day of presentations. On Sunday April 6th, Canyon Ministries is planning a time of worship and tour of the Grand Canyon.
There is still time to submit a proposal for the conference as well. Submissions can be made at https://digitalcommons. cedarville.edu/icc_new_ scholars/ . Submissions will be accepted through February 28th. The author’s guide is attached below.
Aaron Hutchison, on behalf of the Board of the ICC